Martyn Barratt

1983-1987 就讀於倫敦藝術學院, 研習傳統木雕和現代雕塑.
1993 英國東倫敦大學建築藝術系研究所碩士畢.
1998 獲選英國皇家雕刻家協會會員.
1998-2004 於英國劍橋博立皇宮擔任雕刻公園的籌劃負責人.
2004 於日本北海道Eniwa公園參予公共藝術創作
2005 任教於國立臺灣藝術大學雕刻系.
2006 三義木雕博物館受邀個展, 木雕館共收藏12件作品.
2007 任教於國立臺北藝術大學美術系.
2008 中國厦門齊家建設杏福園公共藝術.
2009 三義國際木雕競賽首獎.
(2) 新竹玻璃工藝博物館”雕塑光影”個展. 館方收藏1件作品.
(3)-2012 中國福建莆田木雕現場創作大賽國際大師表演.
2011 第十五屆裕隆木雕創新獎銀質獎.
2012 三義國際木雕競賽銀質獎.
(4) 三義木雕博物館受邀個展.
2013 中國海南木雕現場創作大賽國際大師表演.
2014 伊通公園聯展.
2015 新竹玻璃工藝博物館個展.
2020 三義木雕博物館受邀個展.


2021 《光域》,HII大安會所,台北
2021 《材質場域》,HI FIVE內湖共創中心,台北

2008 《外來物像》,觀想藝術中心,台北




2022 《停其岩觀其形》,國聖埔據點,新北
2022 《挾山超海》,三芝遊客中心及名人文物館,新北

Martyn Barratt
Born in England ,1965


1987 Graduated from City and Guilds of London Art School, London, UK
Wood carving and gilding certificate.
Diploma in restoration of wood, stone and allied polychrome finishes.
Graduated from East London University, London, UK.
M.A. Art in Architecture.


1998 Elected to the Royal Society of British Sculptors.
1998-2004 Curator, artist in residence, Burghley Sculpture Garden, UK.
1999 Joint founder Cusp Gallery, Burghley House. UK.
2005-6 Lecturer, National Taiwan University of Arts. Taipei Taiwan.
2007-8 Lecturer, Taipei National University of Arts Taipei, Taiwan.


BBC, London, UK.
Sir John Soane Museum, London, UK.
Palace of Westminster, London, England.
Queen’s House, London, UK.
University of Northhampton, UK.
Burghley Sculpture Garden, UK.
Pride of the Valley Sculpture Park, UK.
Environment Agency, UK.
Lincolnshire County Council, UK.
Yulon Group, Taiwan.
Taiwan Water Authority, Taiwan.
Wood Sculpture Museum San Yi, Taiwan.
Hshinchu Glass Museum, Taiwan.
Forestry Bureau, Taiwan.
Aleph, Japan.
Konig Castellaland, Taiwan.
Grand Mayfull Hotel, Taiwan
C.V.L. Group, Taiwan.
Prince Development Corporation, Taiwan.
Continental Engineering Corporation, Taiwan.
Da Li Development Corporation , Taiwan.
Billingsley Property Development, Texas, USA.
Dahin Development Corporation, Taiwan.
Jinray Development Corporation, Tai Chung, Taiwan
Ching Jia Development Corporation, Tai Chung, Taiwan
Rui Feng Development Corporation, Tai Chung, Taiwan
E.R.C group Development Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan
Bigtown Construction and Development Corporation, Tai Chung, Taiwan
Grand Arcade Development Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan
Dong-Teng Construction Group, Taipei, Taiwan
Lih Pao Construction Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan
Kingland Construction Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan
Kai Cheng Construction Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan
Sun Land Construction Group, Taipei, Taiwan
Shin Kong Construction Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan
Fu Zhuang Construction Group, Taipei, Taiwan
Chang Shin Construction & Development, Taipei, Taiwan
Fu Yu Construction Group, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Work in private collections in Europe, USA, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan and China


1991 Shad Thames Gallery, London, UK
1996 Commonwealth Institute, London, UK
1997 Henley Festival, Henley on Thames, UK
1998 Kettles Yard, Cambridge, UK
1998-2004 Burghley Sculpture Gallery, Lincolnshire, UK
2000 Royal Society of British Sculptors, London, UK
2002 Hart Gallery, London, UK
2004 Cork Street Gallery, London, UK
2005 Capital Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2007-2008 National Wood Sculpture Museum, San Yi, Taiwan
2008 Chung Yuan University, Chung Li, Taiwan
2008 Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 Installation. Bo Pi Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 Hsinchu City International Glass Art Festival
2011 Installation. Dan Shui Arts Center, Taiwan
2011 Installation, Kaoshiung, Taiwan
2011 National Wood Sculpture Museum, San Yi, Taiwan
2012 InSian Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 ChiaYi Arts Center, Taiwan
2013 Pride of the Valley Sculpture Garden, Surrey, UK
2014 National Wood Sculpture Museum, San Yi, Taiwan
2014 IT Park Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2018-2022 Annual International Wood Carving Exchange, National Wood Sculpture Museum, San Yi, Taiwan
2021 The Road from the Mountains to the Sea, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2022 Stand on a Rock and look at it’s Shape, New Taipei City, Taiwan


1996 Harding House Gallery, Lincoln, UK
1997 Stamford Arts Center, Stamford, UK
1998 Ramsgate Gallery, Kent, UK
2000 Finelot Gallery, London, UK
2003 21/21 Arts Center, Scunthorpe, UK
2004 Burghley Sculpture Garden, Lincolnshire, UK
2005 Grass Mountain Chateau, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 National Wood Sculpture Museum, San Yi, Taiwan
2008 British Trade and Cultural Office, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 Hsinchu City Glass Museum, Taiwan
2012 National Wood Sculpture Museum, San Yi, Taiwan
2015 Open Box Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2015 Hsinchu City Glass Museum, Taiwan
2015 National Ceramics Museum, Yingge, Taiwan
2020 National Wood Sculpture Museum, San Yi, Taiwan
2021 Colourfield, Taipei, Taiwan
2022 Hi Five, Taipei, Taiwan


2005 ShiMen Dam, Taiwan
2006 National Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 Westlake Resortopia, San Yi, Taiwan
2010 Dong Shi, Taichung, Taiwan
2011 & 2012 PuTien, Fu Jian Province, China
2014 TanShui, Taiwan
2015 HaiKou, Hainan Island, China
2020 Che Shan, TaiDung, Taiwan
2020 National Wood Sculpture Museum, San Yi, Taiwan

2009 First Prize, Taiwan International Wood Sculpture Prize
2011 Silver Medal, 15th Yulon Woodcarving Innovation Award
2012 Second Prize, Taiwan International Wood Sculpture Prize
2016 Second Prize, Taiwan International Wood Sculpture Prize

2006 Sotheby’s, London, UK
2008 Christie’s, London, UK
2012-2015 Summers Place Auction Ltd, London, UK

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